Couples Counselling Perth

Navigate healthy communication and behaviours in your relationships

Key information you should know

  • Experiencing issues with your partner, parent, child or extended family is perfectly normal.
  • Learning to communicate and identify healthy and unhealthy behaviours is very important.
  • Our relationship psychologists in Perth have the clinical experience and knowledge to support those experiencing relationship difficulties.

You do not need to do this alone. A psychologist will help you to navigate your relationships and learn how you to share your space together in a loving and meaningful way.

How can a psychologist help?

Learning what to accept and what is a “non-negotiable” is important for successful relationships. Learning to connect meaningfully to others is also another important skill to explore.

A psychologist may help you create better communicative habits and identify identify behaviours in yourself and in others.

Book an appointment

To learn more about our relationship counselling services in Perth, please contact Clear Health Psychology on (08) 6424 8177. We offer both face-to-face and Telehealth appointments at all Clear Health Psychology clinic locations.

Need to know more?

Are you in a negative or abusive relationship?

Do you find you seem to be in a relationship with people who continually treat you in a negative way? Understanding and breaking this pattern can be helpful in finding more suitable partners. Sometimes, low self-esteem leads people to choose unsuitable partners who are emotionally or physically abusive. Identifying negative partners that you may be drawn to and improving self-image is important.

Learning what you can expect and deserve from a healthy relationship is important. Learning how to place boundaries and being consistent in what you will accept from others is important for healthy and respectful relationships.

Are you experiencing dating issues?

Dating can be difficult for many reasons. Managing the social anxiety aspect of dating, potential rejection and frustration about not finding a good fit is all part of the experience. On dates you may feel anxiety about saying the right things or obsessing over making a perceived mistake.

This anxiety or hyper self-consciousness may lead to acting awkwardly or inconsistently. Skills to manage the awkwardness experienced as well as reducing your own judgment of self is important.

Another skill is managing the rejection on dates. Being rejected and also being able to reject without hurting yours or their feelings is a valuable skill. Not everyone is for everyone. People are just trying to find the “right” match for them.

Whilst it feels personal, it may not be as personal as it feels. There are many variables in play, such as timing or they may simply not be emotionally available now or may never be. Learning to not personalize everything is important to staying motivated while looking for your partner.

Are you facing relationship loss & abandonment?

Is your heart broken?

Are you in a steady relationship but fear the person you are with will leave you?

Loss or fearing loss of a relationship can impact self-esteem and lead to depression. Additionally, some individuals who are in a relationship may fear losing the relationship. This fear may actually push others away and activate the person’s worst fear. 

The end of a relationship can feel awful. Heartbreaking. Even if it was for the best reasons, travelling in life with a broken heart feels terrible. The loss or change can be very hard to manage because it is change. Once a relationship has ended there are some very protective aspects to explore to ensure growth and strength. Often a relationship break-up can make us feel weak and vulnerable in the world.

Managing loss and abandonment feelings are essential for life, not just in intimate relationships. We experience fear of abandonment or not being good enough across a number of areas of our lives (school, work, friendships, family) and need to be able to cope with them to move forward.

We’re here to help

50 practitioners have experience in the treatment of couples & relationship counselling