Did you know that men are at greatest risk of suicide, but are less likely to ask for help?
According to the Black Dog Institute, an estimated 72% of men will not seek help for a mental health disorder. Why are men suffering in silence from mental health conditions and not feeling comfortable to seek help when they need it the most?
Jon Marginis is a Counselling Psychology Registrar practicing privately at Clear Health Psychology Floreat, in addition to being a psychologist at Scotch College. Jon was recently interviewed on a local Perth Health Podcast Meditalk to talk about boys’ and men’s mental health and how we can all work on breaking societal stigmas & barriers around negative stereotypes that are often preventing our boys and men from feeling comfortable to reach out for therapy.
Jon is a great advocate of boys’ and men’s mental health and works alongside them through challenging times in their life. Jon continues to work tirelessly in this area of mental health and, due to his advocacy efforts and work in this area, he was nominated this year for a national Men’s Health Forum award.
A big thank you to Jon for advocating for such an important cause and making the time to share his knowledge with us all on the important topic of men’s mental health, which will require significant efforts to improve the mental health & wellbeing of our boys and men in the future.
Jon also mentioned some wonderful Australian charities providing excellent mental health resources for men and that deserve much needed recognition and support:
Tomorrow Man: www.tomorrowman.com.au
The Kai Eardley Foundation: www.thekaieardleyfoundation.com.au
To learn more about Jon Marginis, visit: www.clearhealthpsychology.com.au/practice-team/jon-marginis
If you feel this episode could help a friend or family member, please share.
May this interview remind all of us to care for each other, reach out and ask a mate, dad, brother, son, uncle, nephew, work colleague: ‘’how are you?” Let’s all create more safe and kind spaces where we can be there for each other!
And if this interview has brought up any feelings and you need support, please phone Lifeline 13 11 14 or speak to your GP.
Clear Health Psychology has psychologists that are passionate about improving the mental health of boys and men. To to make an appointment to chat with a psychologist, call us on (08) 6424 8177.